antivirus Belohnungsprogramme


Share your personal recommendation link through social media, email or copy and paste it to any message, website or forum. Tell your friends to open the link in their browser, download Avast Free Antivirus from the page displayed and install it on their PC. Once your friends install Avast Free Antivirus they downloaded through the webpage, Avast servers get notified that someone installed the software using your link and save the information into the database. In the next 48 hours, your Avast desktop app will synchronize the count of recommendations with the database and show the number in the Recommendation screen. When the count of recommendations in the Recommendation screen reaches level needed to unlock the rewards, a ‘Claim now’ button will appear in the box with the reward - after a click on the button, a page opens where you can download your reward.

ESET Mobile Security

Invite a friend and you both get 1 month for free.


When you sign up, get a free month with a referral code.

PC Matic

When your referral purchases the program, they save $5 and you earn 6 months free.